This is a simple solution to a simple problem. You don't know it's a simple problem because you've been lied to and taught that the problem is a lot more complicated than it really is. When you take a loan from this government, they borrow money from the Federal Reserve. The Fed creates the money and loans it to you with the government acting as a middle man so they make money off of the interest you pay. This is illegal.
The Fed is a private bank that can't exist and can not create money. It says so in Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution where it states that Congress shall have the power to coin money. It doesn't state anywhere in the Constitution that Congress can give away or take bribes to sell this authority to anyone. So, that means that everything the fed has done since 1913 was illegal. All of that money that was "loaned" by the FED is counterfeit and nobody has to pay any of it back to the banks or the government for "loaning" it to us.
Now, the problem. We have 535 corrupt members of Congress, 9 corrupt lawyers on the Supreme Court. a corrupt Prez and Vice-Prez and countless corrupt judges who try to force all of us to pay off these counterfeit debts with counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes.
The Solution. You, as a member of We the People own the USA. So, all you, I and everyone else in the USA has to do is fire the corrupt politicians and judges. We do that simply by uniting together to say so. "You're fired", stated in unison by millions of Americans will do the trick and WE can unite to do that by signing an updated copy of our Declaration of Independence. Those millions of signatures give our police and military an order to arrest all of our politicians and to seize the TV networks so we can tell the whole country the truth. This cancels all debt for all of us. We issue United States Notes, everyone starts fresh and nobody loses anything except the banks and the corrupt politicians, judges and lawyers who are all accomplices of the banksters.
Do you "get it"? It's so simple it can't be true, right? Wrong, it IS true. All that has to happen is for people to share this and talk about it in as many places as possible so that the whole country sees how easy it is to get rid of our corrupt officials. Ask questions, unite and we will fix our country, for free. Cancel all of the bogus debt the banksters and Congress have foisted upon us. The debt isn't real. It's an illusion and you have to see through it to stop this crime.
Congress is 100% corrupt. They confirm this every day by refusing to tell us that the Rothschild family is the primary owner of the Federal Reserve. Every member of Congress thus helps the Rothschild family rob every American. This crime of treason began in 1913. It is the cause of every problem in the USA and it is our duty to remove these criminals from office
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
The conclusion comes first here. Humanity must unite against all lawyers, politicians and bankers. There is no need for any bloodshed. WE must do this now. WE can free the whole planet in a matter of days and end all worries and hardships. All YOU have to do is accept YOUR responsibility to fire our criminals from power. YOUR responsibility here is to YOURSELF.
When I stand in the street and yell: "Hey all you politicians, lawyers and bankers, You're all fired.", someone is going to throw a net over me and drag me off to the looney bin. When I write the idea on paper, I'm still going to be written off as a lunatic. People believe they have to follow rules and we're afraid to stand up by ourselves and fire all of the people who make the rules.
When two of us decide to do this, we're just a couple of nuts. When a third person joins us, we're a few screwballs. Add a fourth person and we're a group of weirdos. A fifth person might make us a gang of goofballs and a sixth person might make us a gang of psychos.
At some point, we will be identified as people who want "change we can believe in" if we grow large enough and a politician will be appointed to misrepresent us and tell us nice lies. Some lawyers or other highly trained and skilled liars would even be given media coverage to pervert the true goals of our group and lead us to believe that the lawyers and politicians are genuinely concerned about our plight and will use their superior brain to make slow changes to the system and lead us to the "promised land".
This is how all controlled opposition works. WE, the common people, don't have access to the media so "saviors" are appointed to lead us and sell us out. These people are allowed to tell the truth and rant and rave all they want to present the cause of whatever group they represent. They re never allowed to call for the removal of all of our politicians, lawyers and bankers. They thus keep us trapped under the control of the bankers who control the lawyers and politicians.
If you agree that the USA and our freedom are in big trouble and you have been trying to find people who want to do something to fix this, I can guarantee that you have run into controlled opposition. You probably trust some of them and I'm going to have a tough time convincing you that these people are liars. Let's name some of these liars who are being paid to prevent you from ever having freedom:
Alex Jones
David Icke
Jesse Ventura
Veterans Today
Michael Rivero
Lew Rockwell
Russia Today
Ron Paul
Gary Franchi
Jenny McCarthy
Storm Clouds Gathering
One People's Public Trust
All Democrats
All Republicans
Al Sharpton
General Paul Vallely
All "Veterans" groups
All Second Amendment groups
Bill Still
Gary Johnson
All Alien Disclosure groups
Dr Ben Carson
All Disaster prep groups
All 911 truth groups
All lawyers
All Gay rights groups
All Women's rights groups
Dave Hodges
Chris Hedges
All Pro and Anti-Israel groups
All Pro and Anti-Muslim groups
All Pro and Anti-Catholic groups
All "alternative law" rhetoric
All White rights groups
All Black rights groups
All Spanish Speaking rights groups
All anti-GMO groups
All anti-vaccine groups
US Army
US Marines
US Air Force
US Navy
All Pro and anti- Cop rhetoric
All Police
All Sheriffs
All Judges
All Help the Homeless groups
All Alzheimer's groups
All Pro marijuana groups
The Tea Party
Both sides of Common Core
Judge Napolitano
The Venus Project
Green Party
Phony Whistleblowers like Assange and Snowden
AND, any group or individual who is not advising you to unite all of humanity against our governments.
All of the above named liars tell you the truth to some extent. All of them are also divisive and that's by design. None of them advise you that our government is 100% corrupt and that the corrupt individuals have to be removed for us to reclaim our freedom.
Some of these people promote fear. Some promote false hope that things are happening behind the scenes that will fix things. Some promote saviors or tout themselves as saviors. None of them urge you to act in unity to take down our corrupt system that stole our freedom. If they can provoke you to do nothing, they win.
Reading their propaganda, "sharing" and "liking" it on Facebook and even joining in some protests never achieves anything. That's what these controlled opposition psychological warfare agents want. They want you to waste your time reading their "newly discovered" truth and sharing their carefully worded captioned pictures to inform the public and "wake them up". They want you to write to politicians because they know the politicians are going to laugh at you. They want to make you angry and lead you to waste your righteous anger on useless actions.
These people and groups who many of you follow are your enemies. They ask you to appeal to our government to fix things, or to join with "right-minded" people against "wrong-thinking" people, or to opt out of the system, or to wait for good aliens to save us when they swoop down in their UFOs or for some "god" to show up and crush the evil for you.
Whatever you believe is immaterial.When you don't stand up for yourself, you lose. The only solution to our plight as humans is to remove everyone in positions of power over us.
Why do they have power over us? Is it because we elected them? Of course not. They control us with money. They control what we think with TV and they control our opposition to them on the internet. Do you think you'll ever hear a politician explain how we could exist without money? Their job is always to rob you to ensure that you are controlled by your debt so that you remain subservient to the bankers. Lawyers make laws so that, if you don't conform to all the rules for using money that you are punished with higher interest rates, inability to find work and trouble finding a place to rent if your credit history identifies you as a poor risk. So, you comply because you think you can't do anything to change the system or abolish the system.
I don't believe the propaganda and the brainwashing that tells me I'm a bad person if I don't want to comply with these rules that tell me I'm a slave to money. You see, I think we're all equal. I don't think baseball players or CEOs are worth $25 million a year while other people are worth nothing because some CEOs shipped their jobs to China and they can't find work. Our system tells us that these people should lose their homes and starve. That's what our system does. I disagree with that.
We all have value and we all contribute in some way to the good of the whole. If you agree that we should fire all of our leaders, ban money and set goals to improve our lives on Earth, and you tell other people how we can unite to achieve this, then you will contribute more to humanity than any politician ever will contribute. That simple act of talking to a friend is a positive for every person on Earth. The greedy CEO will never make that contribution because all he will ever care about is satisfying his own greed and the profit motive of his company.
There aren't any corporations that have a goal of improving our existence as humanity. There's no profit in something like that so it doesn't exist. You can't find a job that pays you to work towards that end. Lots of machines have been invented that make things easier for us but they also decrease the need for labor which takes away jobs and increases poverty. If humanity united to contribute to the good of the whole, machines that reduced labor would be good for all of us because they would increase leisure time without regard for money.
What if we had lie detectors attached to all of our politicians that delivered electric shocks to them every time they did something dishonest? That would eliminate the need for people to watch them to decipher their bogus rhetoric. We wouldn't need anyone to file complaints or prosecute them, or corrupt judges to find excuses to let them off the hook for robbing us. We wouldn't need dishonest TV "reporters" to justify their crimes and we wouldn't need lying "journalists" to "spin" their theft or lawyers hide the evidence. We could all observe the politician jumping around and screaming in pain after he was zapped with a few volts of electricity and we he would be removed from office for being a thief without any need for a trial.
What if we banned money? Then the corrupt politicians would have no incentive to solicit bribes to win elections so they could help the people who bribe them rob the rest of us. We might find intelligent people to run for office who actually had good ideas to benefit humanity instead of just lying to us and robbing us like they do now.
What benefits can humanity gain by banning money? We can eliminate the professions that reward people for fleecing as many people as possible. Nobody will miss telemarketers who annoy you with robocalls. Scam artists will vanish since they'll have no reason to rob you. Homeless people won't be trying to bum money from you since there won't be any more homeless people. There won't be any pickpockets, purse snatchers, armed robbers, bill collectors, stockbrokers, accountants, financial planners, bankers, meter readers, meter maids, tax collectors, toll takers, insurance companies, salespeople, TV commercials, money launderers, bookies, pimps, hookers, realtors,casinos, gamblers, armored car guards, etc. and there will be a lot less lawyers.
There may still be a demand for drugs like cocaine, heroin and other things but where will the drug dealers come from if there is no money? Will men seek to get women hooked on drugs so they can sell them drugs for sex? Will the elimination of money go a long way towards eliminating the need for people to want to escape into the world of drugs? Will free beer and marijuana turn everyone into drunks or will they want to stay stoned all the time? Is there a limit to alcohol and marijuana use that should be imposed somehow to prevent people from destroying themselves? I don't think you can stop an alcoholic from drinking if that's what you want to do. I don't have an answer for this. I think the same thing applies to those who smoke pot every day.
I don't think anyone cares if some people want to drink and drug every day as long as they do something useful and don't hurt anyone else. If we remove the profit motive though, maybe fewer people will be led down that path. It serves the banksters well to keep people drunk and stoned. With the banksters out of the picture, maybe we can encourage better ways to enjoy this life instead of glorifying getting high on TV.
So, after we eliminate the criminal professions, legal and illegal, the people who work in those sectors of the economy can do something useful and ease the burden on those who do work that benefits society. Maybe the controlled opposition liars who prevent people from defeating our enemies in Congress now can even go on TV and explain why and how they preyed on their victims. The millions of people who serve the top level criminals to control humanity with money think they're just doing their jobs and being good little rule followers. They're going to be in for a shock when they learn how malevolent their professions truly were. The whole scam on humanity will need to be explained to them. It will be important to forgive everyone for the roles they played for profit. Telling the truth will be valued. We will no longer have to engage in unethical behavior over money and it will be good for all to talk about the plethora of scams and llok back and laugh at them.
Eliminate money and we can produce all the goods and services we need with a lot less labor for everyone. CEOs and people who built giant corporations won't like this and that's just too bad. We're going to keep their corporations operating if they provide something useful. Monsanto, Goldman Sachs and other profiteers who harm humanity can go away. If Monsanto provides something useful, we can keep that segment of their operation running. Yes, we're going to seize corporations to be managed by people for the benefit of humanity. If the owners don't like it, too bad. They can change their profit goals and contribute to a new goal to help the human race or they can retire.
Will everyone have Porsches, mansions and yachts? No. The people who own these things can keep them. Can everyone have an ocean front house in the North for the summer and another one in Florida for the winter? No. We will have to manage wants versus needs and we can make lots of improvements when they're not all based on money. It will be a process for rich and poor to accept each other as equals. That psychological adjustment is not the subject of this essay. This is about destroying the control of humanity by a few ultra-rich degenerates.
YOU have the power to fix our existence on this planet. If you read this, pass it on and talk about it, it can reach the whole country in a matter of days. This is all it takes to end all of the suffering and greed that makes humanity a species that is failing itself. We can exist without even considering any more wars, mass murdering each other to serve bankers and other insane reasons. War is the stupidest thing imaginable. YOU can end all of this moronic behavior just by saying so. Please do it. UNITE. Unite to remove the criminals from power. Don't believe one word any politician says. Just throw them all out.
Comment here or join a group on Facebook to begin that unifying process. As numbers increase, we will have the ability to act as one united force, and impose our will as The People on the degenerates who we call politicians, lawyers and bankers. Improving Earth is up to YOU. Will YOU do it?
When I stand in the street and yell: "Hey all you politicians, lawyers and bankers, You're all fired.", someone is going to throw a net over me and drag me off to the looney bin. When I write the idea on paper, I'm still going to be written off as a lunatic. People believe they have to follow rules and we're afraid to stand up by ourselves and fire all of the people who make the rules.
When two of us decide to do this, we're just a couple of nuts. When a third person joins us, we're a few screwballs. Add a fourth person and we're a group of weirdos. A fifth person might make us a gang of goofballs and a sixth person might make us a gang of psychos.
At some point, we will be identified as people who want "change we can believe in" if we grow large enough and a politician will be appointed to misrepresent us and tell us nice lies. Some lawyers or other highly trained and skilled liars would even be given media coverage to pervert the true goals of our group and lead us to believe that the lawyers and politicians are genuinely concerned about our plight and will use their superior brain to make slow changes to the system and lead us to the "promised land".
This is how all controlled opposition works. WE, the common people, don't have access to the media so "saviors" are appointed to lead us and sell us out. These people are allowed to tell the truth and rant and rave all they want to present the cause of whatever group they represent. They re never allowed to call for the removal of all of our politicians, lawyers and bankers. They thus keep us trapped under the control of the bankers who control the lawyers and politicians.
If you agree that the USA and our freedom are in big trouble and you have been trying to find people who want to do something to fix this, I can guarantee that you have run into controlled opposition. You probably trust some of them and I'm going to have a tough time convincing you that these people are liars. Let's name some of these liars who are being paid to prevent you from ever having freedom:
Alex Jones
David Icke
Jesse Ventura
Veterans Today
Michael Rivero
Lew Rockwell
Russia Today
Ron Paul
Gary Franchi
Jenny McCarthy
Storm Clouds Gathering
One People's Public Trust
All Democrats
All Republicans
Al Sharpton
General Paul Vallely
All "Veterans" groups
All Second Amendment groups
Bill Still
Gary Johnson
All Alien Disclosure groups
Dr Ben Carson
All Disaster prep groups
All 911 truth groups
All lawyers
All Gay rights groups
All Women's rights groups
Dave Hodges
Chris Hedges
All Pro and Anti-Israel groups
All Pro and Anti-Muslim groups
All Pro and Anti-Catholic groups
All "alternative law" rhetoric
All White rights groups
All Black rights groups
All Spanish Speaking rights groups
All anti-GMO groups
All anti-vaccine groups
US Army
US Marines
US Air Force
US Navy
All Pro and anti- Cop rhetoric
All Police
All Sheriffs
All Judges
All Help the Homeless groups
All Alzheimer's groups
All Pro marijuana groups
The Tea Party
Both sides of Common Core
Judge Napolitano
The Venus Project
Green Party
Phony Whistleblowers like Assange and Snowden
AND, any group or individual who is not advising you to unite all of humanity against our governments.
All of the above named liars tell you the truth to some extent. All of them are also divisive and that's by design. None of them advise you that our government is 100% corrupt and that the corrupt individuals have to be removed for us to reclaim our freedom.
Some of these people promote fear. Some promote false hope that things are happening behind the scenes that will fix things. Some promote saviors or tout themselves as saviors. None of them urge you to act in unity to take down our corrupt system that stole our freedom. If they can provoke you to do nothing, they win.
Reading their propaganda, "sharing" and "liking" it on Facebook and even joining in some protests never achieves anything. That's what these controlled opposition psychological warfare agents want. They want you to waste your time reading their "newly discovered" truth and sharing their carefully worded captioned pictures to inform the public and "wake them up". They want you to write to politicians because they know the politicians are going to laugh at you. They want to make you angry and lead you to waste your righteous anger on useless actions.
These people and groups who many of you follow are your enemies. They ask you to appeal to our government to fix things, or to join with "right-minded" people against "wrong-thinking" people, or to opt out of the system, or to wait for good aliens to save us when they swoop down in their UFOs or for some "god" to show up and crush the evil for you.
Whatever you believe is immaterial.When you don't stand up for yourself, you lose. The only solution to our plight as humans is to remove everyone in positions of power over us.
Why do they have power over us? Is it because we elected them? Of course not. They control us with money. They control what we think with TV and they control our opposition to them on the internet. Do you think you'll ever hear a politician explain how we could exist without money? Their job is always to rob you to ensure that you are controlled by your debt so that you remain subservient to the bankers. Lawyers make laws so that, if you don't conform to all the rules for using money that you are punished with higher interest rates, inability to find work and trouble finding a place to rent if your credit history identifies you as a poor risk. So, you comply because you think you can't do anything to change the system or abolish the system.
I don't believe the propaganda and the brainwashing that tells me I'm a bad person if I don't want to comply with these rules that tell me I'm a slave to money. You see, I think we're all equal. I don't think baseball players or CEOs are worth $25 million a year while other people are worth nothing because some CEOs shipped their jobs to China and they can't find work. Our system tells us that these people should lose their homes and starve. That's what our system does. I disagree with that.
We all have value and we all contribute in some way to the good of the whole. If you agree that we should fire all of our leaders, ban money and set goals to improve our lives on Earth, and you tell other people how we can unite to achieve this, then you will contribute more to humanity than any politician ever will contribute. That simple act of talking to a friend is a positive for every person on Earth. The greedy CEO will never make that contribution because all he will ever care about is satisfying his own greed and the profit motive of his company.
There aren't any corporations that have a goal of improving our existence as humanity. There's no profit in something like that so it doesn't exist. You can't find a job that pays you to work towards that end. Lots of machines have been invented that make things easier for us but they also decrease the need for labor which takes away jobs and increases poverty. If humanity united to contribute to the good of the whole, machines that reduced labor would be good for all of us because they would increase leisure time without regard for money.
What if we had lie detectors attached to all of our politicians that delivered electric shocks to them every time they did something dishonest? That would eliminate the need for people to watch them to decipher their bogus rhetoric. We wouldn't need anyone to file complaints or prosecute them, or corrupt judges to find excuses to let them off the hook for robbing us. We wouldn't need dishonest TV "reporters" to justify their crimes and we wouldn't need lying "journalists" to "spin" their theft or lawyers hide the evidence. We could all observe the politician jumping around and screaming in pain after he was zapped with a few volts of electricity and we he would be removed from office for being a thief without any need for a trial.
What if we banned money? Then the corrupt politicians would have no incentive to solicit bribes to win elections so they could help the people who bribe them rob the rest of us. We might find intelligent people to run for office who actually had good ideas to benefit humanity instead of just lying to us and robbing us like they do now.
What benefits can humanity gain by banning money? We can eliminate the professions that reward people for fleecing as many people as possible. Nobody will miss telemarketers who annoy you with robocalls. Scam artists will vanish since they'll have no reason to rob you. Homeless people won't be trying to bum money from you since there won't be any more homeless people. There won't be any pickpockets, purse snatchers, armed robbers, bill collectors, stockbrokers, accountants, financial planners, bankers, meter readers, meter maids, tax collectors, toll takers, insurance companies, salespeople, TV commercials, money launderers, bookies, pimps, hookers, realtors,casinos, gamblers, armored car guards, etc. and there will be a lot less lawyers.
There may still be a demand for drugs like cocaine, heroin and other things but where will the drug dealers come from if there is no money? Will men seek to get women hooked on drugs so they can sell them drugs for sex? Will the elimination of money go a long way towards eliminating the need for people to want to escape into the world of drugs? Will free beer and marijuana turn everyone into drunks or will they want to stay stoned all the time? Is there a limit to alcohol and marijuana use that should be imposed somehow to prevent people from destroying themselves? I don't think you can stop an alcoholic from drinking if that's what you want to do. I don't have an answer for this. I think the same thing applies to those who smoke pot every day.
I don't think anyone cares if some people want to drink and drug every day as long as they do something useful and don't hurt anyone else. If we remove the profit motive though, maybe fewer people will be led down that path. It serves the banksters well to keep people drunk and stoned. With the banksters out of the picture, maybe we can encourage better ways to enjoy this life instead of glorifying getting high on TV.
So, after we eliminate the criminal professions, legal and illegal, the people who work in those sectors of the economy can do something useful and ease the burden on those who do work that benefits society. Maybe the controlled opposition liars who prevent people from defeating our enemies in Congress now can even go on TV and explain why and how they preyed on their victims. The millions of people who serve the top level criminals to control humanity with money think they're just doing their jobs and being good little rule followers. They're going to be in for a shock when they learn how malevolent their professions truly were. The whole scam on humanity will need to be explained to them. It will be important to forgive everyone for the roles they played for profit. Telling the truth will be valued. We will no longer have to engage in unethical behavior over money and it will be good for all to talk about the plethora of scams and llok back and laugh at them.
Eliminate money and we can produce all the goods and services we need with a lot less labor for everyone. CEOs and people who built giant corporations won't like this and that's just too bad. We're going to keep their corporations operating if they provide something useful. Monsanto, Goldman Sachs and other profiteers who harm humanity can go away. If Monsanto provides something useful, we can keep that segment of their operation running. Yes, we're going to seize corporations to be managed by people for the benefit of humanity. If the owners don't like it, too bad. They can change their profit goals and contribute to a new goal to help the human race or they can retire.
Will everyone have Porsches, mansions and yachts? No. The people who own these things can keep them. Can everyone have an ocean front house in the North for the summer and another one in Florida for the winter? No. We will have to manage wants versus needs and we can make lots of improvements when they're not all based on money. It will be a process for rich and poor to accept each other as equals. That psychological adjustment is not the subject of this essay. This is about destroying the control of humanity by a few ultra-rich degenerates.
YOU have the power to fix our existence on this planet. If you read this, pass it on and talk about it, it can reach the whole country in a matter of days. This is all it takes to end all of the suffering and greed that makes humanity a species that is failing itself. We can exist without even considering any more wars, mass murdering each other to serve bankers and other insane reasons. War is the stupidest thing imaginable. YOU can end all of this moronic behavior just by saying so. Please do it. UNITE. Unite to remove the criminals from power. Don't believe one word any politician says. Just throw them all out.
Comment here or join a group on Facebook to begin that unifying process. As numbers increase, we will have the ability to act as one united force, and impose our will as The People on the degenerates who we call politicians, lawyers and bankers. Improving Earth is up to YOU. Will YOU do it?
Thursday, November 6, 2014
How to Fire Congress
The real issues are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Money is not supposed to be an issue at all. Everything is reduced to money because the two parties have to keep brainwashing us with that scam.
You can explain the theft by the Federal Reserve to people and they continue arguing about "financial responsibility". They don't want to believe that everything the banks do is theft. They don't want to accept that we can wipe out all debt in a second and nobody would be hurt except the banksters and lawyers.
The Protocols of the L:earned Elders of Zion spells out the whole financial plan to destroy our country and control the whole planet. The banksters began to write that plan in 1773 and, after 101 years of the Federal Reserve, they have succeeded. They hired lawyers to make our laws too confusing for any one person to understand. This is not a problem because we can delete all of those laws in a heartbeat. Every law and legal term can be erased from our lives just because we say so. It really is that simple.
People mistakenly think that these things are over their heads and they have to rely on educated people to make sense out of it and look out for their interests for them. That's the way our system was designed, to confuse everyone and make us think that it's impossible for us to beat it, that we have to hire lawyers to fight our battles for us. This is why the wise men who founded the nation banned lawyers from working anywhere in our government. They knew that lawyers were a class of extremely intelligent criminals with no morals who robbed people by stealth and deception.
Some people think the answer to our criminal lawyers is to learn their language of Legalese, become as smart as they are and be able to defeat them in court. This may sound good on paper but when you go to court there is always a lawyer sitting their in robes playing the role of a judge and that person is always corrupt. It never matters how smart you are because the lawyer/judge just pretends that your arguments don't exist and rules against you. If you challenge the corrupt judge, he threatens you with contempt for being smarter than he is and throws you in jail for awhile if you refuse to obey him. You can cite the Constitution and all the case law you want and the judge ignores all of it. That's reality.
The solution is easy. We can unite to remove all of these lawyers and judges from our lives. Does that frighten you? Are you afraid that some judge will lock you up for deciding to unite with the rest of the country to fire him? That's what they want you to think. They don't want you to grasp the fact that YOU own the country. That's right, YOU own the USA. Wrap your head around that and believe it. We're all equal partners here. WE have the final say on everything our corrupt politicians do in Washington, D.C. and our state capitols. When WE unite, we can squash the lawyers and banksters like bugs and there won't be a damn thing they can do about it.
At the moment, the lawyers have placed an obstacle in our way and that obstacle is called cops. Cops are a part of We the People who have been subverted by lawyers to become enemies of the rest of us. After decades of brainwashing, cops believe that we're civilians and they are something above that. Cops have no idea that their job is to ensure life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for all Americans because they have been perverted from that job description by lawyers into becoming tax collectors and enforcers of rules made by lawyers to restrict our freedom. I even had a cop show up at my house one day because of something I wrote on my blog where I used a play on words in the title to entice readers. The cop told me I had to be careful because some undesirable person had made the frivolous claim I scared them and I could thus be charged with a thought crime. Cops aren't stupid enough on their own to take these things seriously. They have been coerced into acting like imbeciles because of threats placed on them by lawyers. Cops would be happy to be free of rules that force them to behave like escapees from asylums but they need our help. WE have to stop the lawyers from making rules for them to obey.
Cops need to learn how our politicians rob them too. They are in a difficult spot because it's their job to arrest their corrupt bosses for the white collar crimes they commit. You can't walk up to a cop and ask him to arrest your US Senator for treason because the cop is going to be fired if he does that. And, some corrupt judge would let the Senator go anyhow.
WE do have a solution to this problem and that solution is called Public Opinion. Public Opinion is the most powerful weapon that exists. WE don't necessarily need to stage marches or protests as we have been led to believe because those things last for a short time and the corrupt politicians watch the protests, have a few beers and laugh at the protesters. When it's over, they go back to the business of robbing us blind and forget about it.
Public Opinion has to be constant, the same way TV constantly reminds us of our national debt and the illusion that everything in the USA has to revolve around money and politics. WE can control Public Opinion just because there are 300 million of us and only a few thousand of them. They have TV, the newspapers and the money to put their propaganda all over the internet. WE have the internet, our cars and our property where WE can use free advertising against them. WE can talk to each other and educate each other so WE all know the basics of the crimes they're committing against us. Nobody has to understand the legal code or banking regulations. All WE have to know is that it's all deception to rob us and WE are going to unite to stop the robbery and live free.
Imagine, if you will, driving around town and seeing signs everywhere that say "Congress, You're Fired" or "Fire Congress" or something similar that's very short and easy for everyone to read. When you see one sign like this, you probably think that it's some crazy person. We've all been brainwashed to think we can't change the system and it can be scary to be the first one to put up a sign like this on your front lawn. What will the neighbors think? Is there a zoning ordinance against this? Will the cops come bother me? Instead of asking yourself these questions to restrict your own freedom of speech, you have to ask yourself different questions. Do you want your freedom back from the bankers who stole it from you? Can WE arrange to start a campaign like this to sway Public Opinion and unite the whole country against them. Can we organize a date to start an advertising campaign for our freedom so that thousands, or perhaps millions of us unite to use this form of free advertising all at once? (This is how politicians gain your votes with their signs everywhere. When they put up lots of signs, they DO sway Public Opinion and win elections. Those signs aren't free for them but we can paint ours on old pieces of wood if we want for nothing.)
I did this with my car a few years ago. I painted the words: "FLU SHOTS CAUSE AUTISM" on both sides of my car and used it to try to teach the public the dangers of vaccines. I chose those words carefully since flu shots are the vaccines that have the most mercury in them, thus the most dangerous, especially for pregnant women and their unborn babies. I was stopped every day by people who politely asked me questions about this and I was able to inform them about this hazard that is never presented in the media. After I had been driving around in this car for a couple of years, i learned that New Hampshire had the lowest percentage in the country of people who took the flu shot. I don't know that my car helped cause this but it certainly didn't hurt. It was just one car. In all that time, I think less than five people yelled insults at me and those people looked as stupid as they sounded. It didn't bother me.
What if we had millions of cars driving around that said "CONGRESS, YOU'RE FIRED" on them. Do you think that would help unite the country against our elected criminals? I do. Please invite people to unite here in this group. When numbers increase, WE can implement actions and WE will win.
Monday, October 27, 2014
This is no joke, gimmick or sales pitch. This is legitimate. All you need to do is read this and you'll understand. We the People of the USA have been robbed by our politicians for 101 years. When we unite against our politicians instead of voting for them, we will be able to recover everything they stole from us.
The robbery began in 1913 when Congress allowed the Rothschild banking criminals and their bankster pals to open up their Federal Reserve Bank. It's a private bank, not owned or controlled by Congress in any manner whatsoever. Yes, I know, TV, the FED itself and most of our politicians lie about this to try to make you think that people like me who tell the truth are crazy. That's not true. We're just people who read a lot and understand the crime. We tell the truth.
When the FED opened, it effectively stole all of the money in the USA and passed out their Federal Reserve Notes in place of gold and silver. They kept creating much more money than the value of the gold and silver and by 1933, they had collected most of the gold in the country when FDR required all Americans to turn in their gold in exchange for Federal Reserve paper. This happened at the same time the USA declared bankruptcy and wound up in receivership of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other Rothschild owned corporations. The bankruptcy provoked a quagmire of legal deception that's extremely complicated and way more information than any sane person wants to know.
What matters here is that this led to fractional lending by all banks where our signatures created the money we used to buy our homes. I know, that makes no sense but that's the way it works. We sign a mortgage, our signature creates the money to pay the seller and a lawyer runs down to the registry of deeds to file some deceptive paperwork that keeps us all ignorant of what just happened and cons us all into paying for 30 years on a debt that we just paid ourselves. So, we pay the principle twice and then we pay two or three times more than that with the interest. This money creation by us, through the banks, causes inflation which ensures that most people never gain any higher spendable income because it's all planned out by the guys who own the FED to keep us all working just to pay our phony debt.
If Congress had kept issuing money as the Constitution requires them to do instead of letting the FED rob us, an average house would cost about $5,000. There would be no national debt and there would be no IRS.
So, what's the justification for all of to have free houses now? If Congress had not allowed the FED to issue money, they would not have been able to steal hundreds of trillions of dollars from us since 1913. If Congress had issued the money like they're supposed to, there would be no reason for any of us to pay any interest on any loan or any taxes. Congress can issue money the same way the FED does, just by printing the bills with nothing to back it up, no gold, no silver, nothing at all, like magic.
WE the People own the country and we would be absolute fools to charge ourselves interest on our own money. Do you like watching your kids struggle for 30 years to pay off their interest bearing student loans? There's no good reason to charge our kids that interest. There's no reason to charge ourselves interest on any money that the Federal Reserve loans to us either. Congress should be printing that money themselves instead of causing debt for the 300 million of us to pay. The entire $17 trillion national debt is thus illegal since all Congress ever had to do was fire up a printing press, print 17 pieces of paper that say $1 trillion dollars on them and hand them over to whoever it was borrowed from. Yes, it's really that simple. That's what the Federal Reserve does. Don't ask your elected criminals about this though because most of them will refuse to acknowledge that you asked the question and a few of them are actually smart enough to lie to you about it and make you believe that I'm a lunatic. Nope, I just read a lot and this is how the robbery works. You're not supposed to know.
So, anyhow, there is one little catch to actually claiming your free house. We all have to unite to fire all of these politicians who robbed us. Signing this document provides that unity and adds protection to our system of government so that nobody will ever be able to rob us like this again. Telling all of your friends to help the whole country learn the truth is the key. It's needs to be a large majority of us standing up to our corrupt government and throwing them out of office, all of them. This is how we sway Public Opinion and stop being afraid of the monster we created by letting Congress start giving orders to us. Those thieves are our servants and all of us have to unite to make sure no member of Congress ever forgets that again. No matter what our government gives you now, whether it be food stamps, any form of checks, free rent or anything at all, you will do much better when we go back to creating all of our money without debt. When we create the money, nobody ever has to pay it back. Don't let that statement confuse you. We've been fooled for 101 years and none of us know what real money is. It's true. We take out houses back from the banks and give the 18 million bank owned vacant houses to whoever needs them. Nobody loses but the banksters who robbed us blind for 101 years. Yes, this will crash the banks, on our terms, and nobody will lose a dime. We'll seize the buildings, keep their employees working and make the changes we need to make so that nobody has to worry about their money again.
The robbery began in 1913 when Congress allowed the Rothschild banking criminals and their bankster pals to open up their Federal Reserve Bank. It's a private bank, not owned or controlled by Congress in any manner whatsoever. Yes, I know, TV, the FED itself and most of our politicians lie about this to try to make you think that people like me who tell the truth are crazy. That's not true. We're just people who read a lot and understand the crime. We tell the truth.
When the FED opened, it effectively stole all of the money in the USA and passed out their Federal Reserve Notes in place of gold and silver. They kept creating much more money than the value of the gold and silver and by 1933, they had collected most of the gold in the country when FDR required all Americans to turn in their gold in exchange for Federal Reserve paper. This happened at the same time the USA declared bankruptcy and wound up in receivership of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other Rothschild owned corporations. The bankruptcy provoked a quagmire of legal deception that's extremely complicated and way more information than any sane person wants to know.
What matters here is that this led to fractional lending by all banks where our signatures created the money we used to buy our homes. I know, that makes no sense but that's the way it works. We sign a mortgage, our signature creates the money to pay the seller and a lawyer runs down to the registry of deeds to file some deceptive paperwork that keeps us all ignorant of what just happened and cons us all into paying for 30 years on a debt that we just paid ourselves. So, we pay the principle twice and then we pay two or three times more than that with the interest. This money creation by us, through the banks, causes inflation which ensures that most people never gain any higher spendable income because it's all planned out by the guys who own the FED to keep us all working just to pay our phony debt.
If Congress had kept issuing money as the Constitution requires them to do instead of letting the FED rob us, an average house would cost about $5,000. There would be no national debt and there would be no IRS.
So, what's the justification for all of to have free houses now? If Congress had not allowed the FED to issue money, they would not have been able to steal hundreds of trillions of dollars from us since 1913. If Congress had issued the money like they're supposed to, there would be no reason for any of us to pay any interest on any loan or any taxes. Congress can issue money the same way the FED does, just by printing the bills with nothing to back it up, no gold, no silver, nothing at all, like magic.
WE the People own the country and we would be absolute fools to charge ourselves interest on our own money. Do you like watching your kids struggle for 30 years to pay off their interest bearing student loans? There's no good reason to charge our kids that interest. There's no reason to charge ourselves interest on any money that the Federal Reserve loans to us either. Congress should be printing that money themselves instead of causing debt for the 300 million of us to pay. The entire $17 trillion national debt is thus illegal since all Congress ever had to do was fire up a printing press, print 17 pieces of paper that say $1 trillion dollars on them and hand them over to whoever it was borrowed from. Yes, it's really that simple. That's what the Federal Reserve does. Don't ask your elected criminals about this though because most of them will refuse to acknowledge that you asked the question and a few of them are actually smart enough to lie to you about it and make you believe that I'm a lunatic. Nope, I just read a lot and this is how the robbery works. You're not supposed to know.
So, anyhow, there is one little catch to actually claiming your free house. We all have to unite to fire all of these politicians who robbed us. Signing this document provides that unity and adds protection to our system of government so that nobody will ever be able to rob us like this again. Telling all of your friends to help the whole country learn the truth is the key. It's needs to be a large majority of us standing up to our corrupt government and throwing them out of office, all of them. This is how we sway Public Opinion and stop being afraid of the monster we created by letting Congress start giving orders to us. Those thieves are our servants and all of us have to unite to make sure no member of Congress ever forgets that again. No matter what our government gives you now, whether it be food stamps, any form of checks, free rent or anything at all, you will do much better when we go back to creating all of our money without debt. When we create the money, nobody ever has to pay it back. Don't let that statement confuse you. We've been fooled for 101 years and none of us know what real money is. It's true. We take out houses back from the banks and give the 18 million bank owned vacant houses to whoever needs them. Nobody loses but the banksters who robbed us blind for 101 years. Yes, this will crash the banks, on our terms, and nobody will lose a dime. We'll seize the buildings, keep their employees working and make the changes we need to make so that nobody has to worry about their money again.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Exposing Liars, A Glimpse at Propaganda
Everything is propaganda. Lots of decent people believe they're presenting truth and objection to our controllers. All of them have been compromised and they don't even know it. For all of those well-meaning people though, there are more insidious paid agents who are actively working to prevent any useful opposition from being seen by anyone.
Famous people are all corrupt. No matter what they say, they're famous for a reason. They obeyed the Rothschild family and their agents, didn't make waves and did as they were told. They are well paid to present information that sounds like it favors the slaves. All of us are the slaves, trust me, this will become clear to you.
The Rothschild family is the family who rules Earth. Many have never heard of them. Their wealth is estimated to be at least $400 trillion. Nobody will ever have a solid figure because everything they do is kept hidden. They own all the governments and corporations so they can do whatever they want and they're certainly not going to arrest themselves to start asking themselves questions. They own all of the major media so their name never appears anyplace unless they want it there for some reason that we probably don't understand. They manage all of the propaganda that you see on TV, in newspapers and on the internet. They own all of the banks and control all of the money on the planet.
(There are hyperlinks in this paragraph but this damn site won't make them turn colors so that anyone can see them.)
This may be hard to swallow just based on my say so. The History of the Rothschild Family will get you started in understanding their power. A little more depth is found in The Synagogue of Satan which is mentioned in the Bible, Revelations, chapter 2, verse 9. The Rothschilds also wrote The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which seems to be a work that was updated over the years from its start in 1773. The Protocols is Rothschild's plan to control the planet and that plan calls for most of us to die, after he takes all of our money from us which he has already done. Our money is all counterfeit and worthless since Rothschild has all the gold which he stole from us through his Federal Reserve and his central banks that control the money of all but three countries. The Money Masters describes how the FED really works so that Rothschild can continue robbing all of us. It's a three and a half hour long documentary and well worth the time to watch it. To find out how Rothschild created the Federal Reserve in 1913, The Creature From Jekyll Island gives you the details.
Once you understand the information in the above links, then you can start to see the deception that is all around you. If it's in the media, including the internet, almost all of it is dishonest. The trick is being able to find that tiny bit of honesty that's available for us to see versus the mass of deception that is usually disguised as the truth.
Consider politics. No honest statement is ever made by any Democrat or Republican. All of their lies and scripted communication are based off of the grand deception that is the Federal Reserve. Congress never truly argues over budgets and spending. That's all a ruse to fool voters into electing them. They always have an unlimited budget and can spend whatever they want. The FED will always lend them as much money as they want since the whole object of the deception is to break Americans by forcing them to pay more taxes and spend more of their pay due to inflation which is intentionally caused by the FED.
No Democrat or Republican will ever admit that Congress is required to issue our money at zero interest and zero debt. If they did this, there would be no need to collect any taxes and that would destroy the Rothschilds' scheme to conquer us and totally enslave us. So, every member of Congress accepts their bribes from Rothschild and they agree to keep their mouths shut. They then read their scripts that tell them what to say in public to make people believe that they're trying to fix our economic woes. You have to laugh because their solution is always the same. They always blame the other party and assure us that with their party in power, everything will improve. This never happens. The economy always becomes weaker and more bits of freedom always vanish in the process.
Besides the obvious political lies, let's look at how they use propaganda to abet their acting careers while they play the role of a member of Congress on the national stage. They need lots of help to fool the public into voting for them so they have to have liars in place everywhere in the country to make average people think that one party is better than the other.
Democrats play on the emotions of women, gays, people in unions, Blacks and Spanish speaking people while Republicans assault the well off, males, veterans, professional people and those in good paying jobs within the slavery system. It's all a game to the paid wizards who write the propaganda and promote it. A few liars start screaming about women's rights and before you know it, they have convinced women that it's OK to have all the abortions they want since part of the grand scheme is to reduce the population. They organize things like "slut walks" where some paid shills march down the street claiming that being a slut is their right and they want to tell everyone how proud they are of sleeping with lots of men. Most women just don't think like this but that attitude is supported by TV and gradually, attitudes change. Lots of women have trouble coping with the mental aftermath of abortions. The propaganda wizards don't care about this. If women wind up with mental problems because of it, that's one less fully functioning brain to get in their way. That's their attitude.
On the other side of this issue, Republican liars scream about having to pay for abortions and some of them act morally superior to show what good religious people they are while they help the FED rob you. If they wanted to stop the psychological warfare that perverts attitudes, they could but instead, they use this as a rallying cry to enlist votes for themselves while they bash the Democrats. It never matters to these psychopaths what the other party does as long as it can be used to rally their own supporters against the other side.
A good example of Republican deception is gun control. The Republicans claim to be strongly opposed to all gun control to fool the veterans and the mostly male followers who think they know what the 2nd amendment is all about into giving them votes. The shills who organize the guns rights rallies and give the speeches though are all playing a game to rope their followers into being slaughtered if they do try to use their guns against our 100% corrupt government. You see, the Bill of Rights is not just individual amendments to be taken by themselves. It's a complete work, devised to be used as such where all amendments work together for the protection of citizens against the corruption of the government by lawyers.
The key to the 2nd amendment being effective is the 1st amendment and free speech. The 4th amendment right to freedom from search and seizure also comes into play but the shills who represent Republicans don't talk about the importance of these matters. They don't want anyone to know how these three amendments work in unison. The only important thing to the shills is opposing the Democrats who openly want to take away all guns so that Republicans can win votes.
If you try to become involved with the pro gun people and help them see the value of having free and open communication amongst all of us, they throw you out of their groups. They don't want their followers to know how TV stole their freedom of speech from them. They don't want the followers to ever understand that the Federal Reserve is a private bank who robs them every day of their lives so they refuse to support the fact that no honest person is ever allowed on TV to explain this crime to the general public. If the shills allowed that to happen by supporting the spirit and specifics of the 1st amendment, all of their followers would then know that they have the lawful authority to hang everyone in our government for robbing us for the last 100 years. This knowledge in the hands of every citizen would be the end of the Republican and Democratic parties.
So, the Republican liars will keep this knowledge from the masses and they will bend slowly to the devious demands of the Democrats for background checks. The background checks will be overseen by corrupt psychiatrists who will classify anyone with a fully functional brain who knows that we should hang the whole government as a terrorist and prevent them from being able to buy a gun. Then, cops will be sent into their homes in violation of the 4th amendment to steal their guns and the politicians will have changed the laws to allow this violation. These people still won't be able to communicate with each other in groups of more than a handful and no true opposition to the government will be able to be organized. Does this help you see why Pro Gun Republicans won't tell the truth about freedom of speech that vanished when Rothschild bought all of the TV networks about 70 years ago? You are at the mercy of the liars when they organize all the rallies and they do all of the speaking. They would never allow me to speak at one of these rallies and tell you the whole plan. Their plan is to make you fight for your guns but to keep you ignorant about everything else so they can slowly help the Democrats take your guns away. Remember, no Democrat or Republican will ever tell you the truth about anything. I know, the vast majority of the public can't accept that fact. That's why you lost your freedom though. We all believed liars at some point in our lives and, for most people, they never know they have been lied to. The majority will keep voting for the criminals until the day they die, blissfully ignorant about what's really going on.
I'm only offering a snippet of the deception here because I know that Protocol #12 is going to censor me and hardly anyone will ever see this. Protocol #12 says this: "WE CONTROL THE PRESS. NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL. "
If you ever learn the truth about one of the many deceptions around you and try to write about it, you will learn, as I have, that no matter what you do, there are agents everywhere who will work very hard to shut you up and make you invisible. You will have your reputation smeared and virtually nobody will talk to you for fear of being ostracized from the groups who follow the controlled opposition liars who make the masses believe that they are the truth tellers who are leading the fight for justice. That's just the way our world is now. It won't stop me from telling the whole truth but they will stop almost everyone from seeing it.
Famous people are all corrupt. No matter what they say, they're famous for a reason. They obeyed the Rothschild family and their agents, didn't make waves and did as they were told. They are well paid to present information that sounds like it favors the slaves. All of us are the slaves, trust me, this will become clear to you.
The Rothschild family is the family who rules Earth. Many have never heard of them. Their wealth is estimated to be at least $400 trillion. Nobody will ever have a solid figure because everything they do is kept hidden. They own all the governments and corporations so they can do whatever they want and they're certainly not going to arrest themselves to start asking themselves questions. They own all of the major media so their name never appears anyplace unless they want it there for some reason that we probably don't understand. They manage all of the propaganda that you see on TV, in newspapers and on the internet. They own all of the banks and control all of the money on the planet.
(There are hyperlinks in this paragraph but this damn site won't make them turn colors so that anyone can see them.)
This may be hard to swallow just based on my say so. The History of the Rothschild Family will get you started in understanding their power. A little more depth is found in The Synagogue of Satan which is mentioned in the Bible, Revelations, chapter 2, verse 9. The Rothschilds also wrote The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which seems to be a work that was updated over the years from its start in 1773. The Protocols is Rothschild's plan to control the planet and that plan calls for most of us to die, after he takes all of our money from us which he has already done. Our money is all counterfeit and worthless since Rothschild has all the gold which he stole from us through his Federal Reserve and his central banks that control the money of all but three countries. The Money Masters describes how the FED really works so that Rothschild can continue robbing all of us. It's a three and a half hour long documentary and well worth the time to watch it. To find out how Rothschild created the Federal Reserve in 1913, The Creature From Jekyll Island gives you the details.
Once you understand the information in the above links, then you can start to see the deception that is all around you. If it's in the media, including the internet, almost all of it is dishonest. The trick is being able to find that tiny bit of honesty that's available for us to see versus the mass of deception that is usually disguised as the truth.
Consider politics. No honest statement is ever made by any Democrat or Republican. All of their lies and scripted communication are based off of the grand deception that is the Federal Reserve. Congress never truly argues over budgets and spending. That's all a ruse to fool voters into electing them. They always have an unlimited budget and can spend whatever they want. The FED will always lend them as much money as they want since the whole object of the deception is to break Americans by forcing them to pay more taxes and spend more of their pay due to inflation which is intentionally caused by the FED.
No Democrat or Republican will ever admit that Congress is required to issue our money at zero interest and zero debt. If they did this, there would be no need to collect any taxes and that would destroy the Rothschilds' scheme to conquer us and totally enslave us. So, every member of Congress accepts their bribes from Rothschild and they agree to keep their mouths shut. They then read their scripts that tell them what to say in public to make people believe that they're trying to fix our economic woes. You have to laugh because their solution is always the same. They always blame the other party and assure us that with their party in power, everything will improve. This never happens. The economy always becomes weaker and more bits of freedom always vanish in the process.
Besides the obvious political lies, let's look at how they use propaganda to abet their acting careers while they play the role of a member of Congress on the national stage. They need lots of help to fool the public into voting for them so they have to have liars in place everywhere in the country to make average people think that one party is better than the other.
Democrats play on the emotions of women, gays, people in unions, Blacks and Spanish speaking people while Republicans assault the well off, males, veterans, professional people and those in good paying jobs within the slavery system. It's all a game to the paid wizards who write the propaganda and promote it. A few liars start screaming about women's rights and before you know it, they have convinced women that it's OK to have all the abortions they want since part of the grand scheme is to reduce the population. They organize things like "slut walks" where some paid shills march down the street claiming that being a slut is their right and they want to tell everyone how proud they are of sleeping with lots of men. Most women just don't think like this but that attitude is supported by TV and gradually, attitudes change. Lots of women have trouble coping with the mental aftermath of abortions. The propaganda wizards don't care about this. If women wind up with mental problems because of it, that's one less fully functioning brain to get in their way. That's their attitude.
On the other side of this issue, Republican liars scream about having to pay for abortions and some of them act morally superior to show what good religious people they are while they help the FED rob you. If they wanted to stop the psychological warfare that perverts attitudes, they could but instead, they use this as a rallying cry to enlist votes for themselves while they bash the Democrats. It never matters to these psychopaths what the other party does as long as it can be used to rally their own supporters against the other side.
A good example of Republican deception is gun control. The Republicans claim to be strongly opposed to all gun control to fool the veterans and the mostly male followers who think they know what the 2nd amendment is all about into giving them votes. The shills who organize the guns rights rallies and give the speeches though are all playing a game to rope their followers into being slaughtered if they do try to use their guns against our 100% corrupt government. You see, the Bill of Rights is not just individual amendments to be taken by themselves. It's a complete work, devised to be used as such where all amendments work together for the protection of citizens against the corruption of the government by lawyers.
The key to the 2nd amendment being effective is the 1st amendment and free speech. The 4th amendment right to freedom from search and seizure also comes into play but the shills who represent Republicans don't talk about the importance of these matters. They don't want anyone to know how these three amendments work in unison. The only important thing to the shills is opposing the Democrats who openly want to take away all guns so that Republicans can win votes.
If you try to become involved with the pro gun people and help them see the value of having free and open communication amongst all of us, they throw you out of their groups. They don't want their followers to know how TV stole their freedom of speech from them. They don't want the followers to ever understand that the Federal Reserve is a private bank who robs them every day of their lives so they refuse to support the fact that no honest person is ever allowed on TV to explain this crime to the general public. If the shills allowed that to happen by supporting the spirit and specifics of the 1st amendment, all of their followers would then know that they have the lawful authority to hang everyone in our government for robbing us for the last 100 years. This knowledge in the hands of every citizen would be the end of the Republican and Democratic parties.
So, the Republican liars will keep this knowledge from the masses and they will bend slowly to the devious demands of the Democrats for background checks. The background checks will be overseen by corrupt psychiatrists who will classify anyone with a fully functional brain who knows that we should hang the whole government as a terrorist and prevent them from being able to buy a gun. Then, cops will be sent into their homes in violation of the 4th amendment to steal their guns and the politicians will have changed the laws to allow this violation. These people still won't be able to communicate with each other in groups of more than a handful and no true opposition to the government will be able to be organized. Does this help you see why Pro Gun Republicans won't tell the truth about freedom of speech that vanished when Rothschild bought all of the TV networks about 70 years ago? You are at the mercy of the liars when they organize all the rallies and they do all of the speaking. They would never allow me to speak at one of these rallies and tell you the whole plan. Their plan is to make you fight for your guns but to keep you ignorant about everything else so they can slowly help the Democrats take your guns away. Remember, no Democrat or Republican will ever tell you the truth about anything. I know, the vast majority of the public can't accept that fact. That's why you lost your freedom though. We all believed liars at some point in our lives and, for most people, they never know they have been lied to. The majority will keep voting for the criminals until the day they die, blissfully ignorant about what's really going on.
I'm only offering a snippet of the deception here because I know that Protocol #12 is going to censor me and hardly anyone will ever see this. Protocol #12 says this: "WE CONTROL THE PRESS. NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL. "
If you ever learn the truth about one of the many deceptions around you and try to write about it, you will learn, as I have, that no matter what you do, there are agents everywhere who will work very hard to shut you up and make you invisible. You will have your reputation smeared and virtually nobody will talk to you for fear of being ostracized from the groups who follow the controlled opposition liars who make the masses believe that they are the truth tellers who are leading the fight for justice. That's just the way our world is now. It won't stop me from telling the whole truth but they will stop almost everyone from seeing it.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Sign the New Declaration of Independence
This is your chance to sign your own Declaration of Independence, updated after 238 years to reflect the corruption we face in our government. It is on a petition site for easy signatures but it is not a petition. This is not asking our government to do anything. It is our demand for them to leave Washington, D.C.. Sign here. Join the Facebook page here.
(This is no longer available for signing. The petition page removed it in violation of the first amendment.)
2nd Declaration of Independence, United States of America
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of this Country; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of Congress and Office of the President is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.
1. The People hereby terminate the employment of every elected and appointed official in our Federal Government with all monies and benefits due cancelled. (This does not include civil service positions.)
2. The People hereby seize control of all television networks broadcasting in the United States, to be used for the purpose of conducting honest campaigns and debates, with equal time free to all candidates to present themselves to the public. No candidate may be excluded for any reason. The amount of time seized from television networks will be later determined at the discretion of The People.
3. The People hereby seize control of the Federal Reserve Bank and all of its assets, cancel all debt allegedly owed to it and cancel all debt based on the counterfeit currency of the Federal Reserve since it’s unconstitutional inception. Congress shall now obey article 1, section 8 of the Constitution and shall be the sole issuer of all currency in the United States in perpetuity. All profits gained by the owners of the Federal Reserve are to be accounted for and seized under RICO law and redistributed equally to all citizens of the United States.
4. The People hereby cancel all foreclosures.
5. The People hereby ban imports of goods from Asia and other countries who manufacture goods at below our minimum wage.
6. The People hereby reinsert the original 13th amendment to the Constitution and number successive amendments accordingly. Thus, no member of the BAR will henceforth serve in any capacity in the government of the United States.
7. The People hereby ban all campaign contributions. No form of bribery will henceforth be permitted of any candidate or holder of public office. Neither Congress nor any other body shall subvert this with any legal nonsense. No Bribery of any sort will exist upon penalty to be decided by jury.
8. The People hereby revoke all laws and Presidential Executive Orders that violate the Constitution of the United States. A new Congress will have the task of sorting this out.
9. The People hereby declare all vacant housing units owned by any bank or government entity to be property of the People of the United States and to be distributed to victims of foreclosure and subsequently to all homeless people. Foreclosure victims whose home has not been reinhabited by any buyer may reclaim possession.
10. The People hereby ban the practice of injecting any form of mercury into people and animals with vaccines.
11. The People hereby ban the use of fluoride in drinking water.
12. The People hereby order instruction in all high schools on the history of the Rothschild family, the banking family who tried to enslave the United States via the Federal Reserve.
13. The People hereby order instruction in all high schools on “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, a plan written by the Rothschild family to enslave all of the inhabitants of Earth.
14. The People hereby establish that neither Congress, the president nor any government employee or entity shall keep secret anything from the People except military matters that could divulge operations resulting in harm to military personnel or loss of technology.
15. The People hereby demand full disclosure of “Tesla technology” to be used for free energy and other applications immediately.
16. The Treasury shall issue United States Notes to replace all Federal Reserve Notes and shall send every unemployed adult a weekly check, regardless of current status, for $300 until such time as full employment is returned to the People in the process of reestablishing our manufacturing capabilities that were shipped to other countries.
17. The People hereby order that terms for US Senator shall be reduced to four years and that no Senator may serve more than two terms. Let the Constitution be amended to reflect this order.
18. The People hereby order that no US Representative may serve more than two terms. Let the Constitution be amended to reflect this order.
19. The People hereby order that all elections be conducted with paper ballots to end machine tampering. Ballot counts to be verified by interested parties, not any appointed employees.
20. The People reaffirm that We rule ourselves in freedom. Enacting laws contrary to freedom shall be considered treason, punishable by death or as determined by a jury. Elected officials are servants to The People. It is the duty of every citizen to make sure they remember that.
21. Temporary officers shall be appointed from among signers of this Declaration to manage the affairs of government for a period not to exceed 120 days or until elections can be conducted to replace our current corrupt officials.
22. The People hereby abolish the electoral college.
Sign here
(This is no longer available for signing. The petition page removed it in violation of the first amendment.)
2nd Declaration of Independence, United States of America
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of this Country; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of Congress and Office of the President is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.
1. The People hereby terminate the employment of every elected and appointed official in our Federal Government with all monies and benefits due cancelled. (This does not include civil service positions.)
2. The People hereby seize control of all television networks broadcasting in the United States, to be used for the purpose of conducting honest campaigns and debates, with equal time free to all candidates to present themselves to the public. No candidate may be excluded for any reason. The amount of time seized from television networks will be later determined at the discretion of The People.
3. The People hereby seize control of the Federal Reserve Bank and all of its assets, cancel all debt allegedly owed to it and cancel all debt based on the counterfeit currency of the Federal Reserve since it’s unconstitutional inception. Congress shall now obey article 1, section 8 of the Constitution and shall be the sole issuer of all currency in the United States in perpetuity. All profits gained by the owners of the Federal Reserve are to be accounted for and seized under RICO law and redistributed equally to all citizens of the United States.
4. The People hereby cancel all foreclosures.
5. The People hereby ban imports of goods from Asia and other countries who manufacture goods at below our minimum wage.
6. The People hereby reinsert the original 13th amendment to the Constitution and number successive amendments accordingly. Thus, no member of the BAR will henceforth serve in any capacity in the government of the United States.
7. The People hereby ban all campaign contributions. No form of bribery will henceforth be permitted of any candidate or holder of public office. Neither Congress nor any other body shall subvert this with any legal nonsense. No Bribery of any sort will exist upon penalty to be decided by jury.
8. The People hereby revoke all laws and Presidential Executive Orders that violate the Constitution of the United States. A new Congress will have the task of sorting this out.
9. The People hereby declare all vacant housing units owned by any bank or government entity to be property of the People of the United States and to be distributed to victims of foreclosure and subsequently to all homeless people. Foreclosure victims whose home has not been reinhabited by any buyer may reclaim possession.
10. The People hereby ban the practice of injecting any form of mercury into people and animals with vaccines.
11. The People hereby ban the use of fluoride in drinking water.
12. The People hereby order instruction in all high schools on the history of the Rothschild family, the banking family who tried to enslave the United States via the Federal Reserve.
13. The People hereby order instruction in all high schools on “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, a plan written by the Rothschild family to enslave all of the inhabitants of Earth.
14. The People hereby establish that neither Congress, the president nor any government employee or entity shall keep secret anything from the People except military matters that could divulge operations resulting in harm to military personnel or loss of technology.
15. The People hereby demand full disclosure of “Tesla technology” to be used for free energy and other applications immediately.
16. The Treasury shall issue United States Notes to replace all Federal Reserve Notes and shall send every unemployed adult a weekly check, regardless of current status, for $300 until such time as full employment is returned to the People in the process of reestablishing our manufacturing capabilities that were shipped to other countries.
17. The People hereby order that terms for US Senator shall be reduced to four years and that no Senator may serve more than two terms. Let the Constitution be amended to reflect this order.
18. The People hereby order that no US Representative may serve more than two terms. Let the Constitution be amended to reflect this order.
19. The People hereby order that all elections be conducted with paper ballots to end machine tampering. Ballot counts to be verified by interested parties, not any appointed employees.
20. The People reaffirm that We rule ourselves in freedom. Enacting laws contrary to freedom shall be considered treason, punishable by death or as determined by a jury. Elected officials are servants to The People. It is the duty of every citizen to make sure they remember that.
21. Temporary officers shall be appointed from among signers of this Declaration to manage the affairs of government for a period not to exceed 120 days or until elections can be conducted to replace our current corrupt officials.
22. The People hereby abolish the electoral college.
Sign here
(If you read this, liked it and signed it, please help make it happen. Put it on your Facebook page, your blog, forums you belong to and anyplace you can think of where people will see it. Thank you.)
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