Saturday, June 29, 2019

We The Authorities dot com

To defeat our 100% corrupt government, all we have to do is unite and fire the criminals who run it.  That includes all attorneys, especially the attorneys employed as judges.

Attorneys exist as enemies of humanity to control us and keep us enslaved to the bankers.  They are the enemies who allow the bankers to rob us every day of our lives.  Some attorneys don't know that this is the primary function of their vile  profession.  They just see dollar signs and rationalize that their crimes against all of us are acceptable because their actions are "legal".

Our courts are 100% corrupt.  They all violate the Constitution.  Fortunately for us, the Declaration of Independence allows us to abolish those courts, throw all of the attorneys out and provide genuine justice.  We do not need attorneys to manage law.  We can use common sense.

I don't want to say a lot here.  I just want to provide a way that people who find this site can talk to each other.  They won't let me add a forum to it.

It's important that everyone starts talking about firing our whole government on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and everywhere on the internet.  That's public opinion, the most potent weapon that exists.  When everyone is talking about firing our scumbag government. then it will happen.

Use a name to make comments here.  They will be deleted if they show up as "Anonymous"  Comments from government trolls will also be deleted.  Trolls are anyone who in any way opposes removing our entire government from office.


  1. The corruption is right in front of us. It amazes me that more people arent arms about this. They blocked the PUBLIC from PUBLIC HEARINGS in Albany. They board up doors with plywood so the hundreds of people that showed up to voice their objections to new bills and laws were kept out of public hearings. This everything I need to know where we are all headed.

  2. You haven't posted on Facebook since June 10 and nothing new on your Bitchute channel. Are you okay?


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